Thursday, June 18, 2009
Heyy ! (: So long didn't update my bloggiee adii x)
LOL ! !
OH MY GOSH laaa !
School reopen adii :(
Okayyy !
Let's see . . .
urmmmm . .
Monday , June 15 , 2009
I forgot what happen . .
I remembered something . .
Volleyball GANG's girls know what happen ;P
Not only volleyball GANG laa , bridget also ;P
ahahaa ,
But forgot bout it adii ~
Don't care laa .
2 weeks didn't see each other eni ,
Damn "chuan" loo =.=
Tuesday , June 16 , 2009
Told my friends i want be guaiix xue shen ,means tuesday laa
Cause they said i always said bad words =-=
My friends was like " ehh ! 2 weeks didn't see each other eni , you so quiet adii "
Gosh !
WORST day of my LIFE !
Let 2 ma lat lou kacau - -
Wednesday , June 17 , 2009
Went duty , JINCEN FFK ME !
Then i saw jincen ,
"N.M.E.C.H ![it's a bad words :S]
FFK ME ! *start kicking and whacking him xD*"
Yeahh ,
Failed now -.-
Cause i ponteng whole day x)
I hope teacher won't give my name to encik saiful laa
If not again "1 month"-.-
TRY not to PONTENG again =.=
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Slept around 1 or 2
awake at 7 something=.=
START yawning adii x.x
Later got duty somemore =.=