Friday, May 29, 2009
Woke up around 7
And prepared everything then went to my sister friend's house
Guess what =-=
My sister friend's brother , don't know what name la :P
K class de =-=
i'm like
Why he here de = =
Reach pyramid around 11
sing k and stuff~
Till 2:30?
Then went FTZ
was playing o2mania
Then went back around 4?
I'm alone mann!
4:30 open the gate for carmen .
And now..
Sitting here,
Drinking vitagen [quite sweet weih the vitagen :P]
posting x.x
Was kinda bored today :(
:( :( :(
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
lala ;P

Which one better ? :)
Can't type that much ,
My parent's nagging here =.=
Give comment weihh :D
Monday, May 25, 2009
Yeng mou ? :D
ahahaa ~
Hello AGAIN ~
This is the latest picture i took xD
Yeng hor ? ;D
I've been playing a song in piano since yesterday - - '',
A very NICE song :D
Damn hard to play weih =.=
But I'll keep playing this song till i know EVERYTHING x)
Oh oh ~ ! !
Yesterday i read one mail
And it's so sweeet!
I hope it'll happen to me weih x)
Dream on la Tan Ying Xuen =.=
It won't happen = =
Focus on your piano laa~
LOL ! !
Kay laa~
I want play piano adii x)
Will upload some new pictures if i take again ;D
byeeeeeeeee ! !
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I post again !
Long time didn't touch my bloggie adii . .
Ahahaa ~
This week arh . .
EXAM lorhh~
I'm hyper for some reason ? :P
While doing exam paper ,
I suddenly smile and laugh . .
Then all my friends gave me a "weird eye ",
They asked me what happen ,
Then i'm like , nothing :D
Zh leih ,
Said this week i didn't emo before , whole day smiling . . :D
It's a GOOD thing rite ?
Some of you may know what I'm talking about and some of you DON'T know :P
I hope it'll continue like this :D
Continue HYPER and HAPPY !
And AND !
OH myy ><
Tan Ying Xuen is SICK ~
only sore throat :P
I slept around 4:30, xP
Thought can sleep at 5
But seriously damn boring =.=
Was chatting with jie about SOMETHING .
Don't know why this week i so hyper and happy :P
Goshh ~
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Woke up around 7+?
Prepared everything ,
My brother fetch me,my sister,ong and jingying :D
Reached there around 7:30+
The marching really very funny xP
Me,Aly and Rae laugh till crazy adii xDD
After the bendahara , i felt so bored so i walked back to volleyball court
And yea,
I'm alone ;D
Zyuan,Kelvin and Jia chen was like around me .
Cause zyuan wanna talk to me about SOMETHING .
Damn la !
So small thing,
Want make it so big for what !
Then we went Station 1 ;P
Was playing Bull's eye all the time . .
Then me and my sister play .
We said who reached 100 mark then who win
Ahahaa . . .
It was fun weihh :D
And thanks to zyuan and ong for helping me xD
One of the 'thingi' flew up to the air corn thingi -.-
And i feel so proud for myself cause i did that xD
I was standing very far ,
Far from the line .
Then the 'thingi' flew up to the air corn xD
Went home,
Then now blogging :D
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday , May 08 2009
Science class,
We do experiment :)
Chinese class ,
I forgot to bring my stuff
[can say lazy xP]
Then we gotta stand infront .
Mathematics class ,
Teacher absent .
Was doing maths homework .
Kemahiran Hidup class ,
Change teacher adi . .
Another stupid teacher . . .
Don't even know how to teach . .
Just ask us read from the book eni . .
English class ,
A fat teacher came in ,
Then me and my friends asking each other want ponteng or not .
And yet ,
We just walked out from the back door .
And teacher didn't notice x)
I went down play volleyball
Then some 'malays' in my class told teacher that we ponteng
DAMN mann ! ! !
KENA again
But who cares :D
Then after school,
I went back
Then texting with cy and sukkee .
Dunno why hor
They ask me 'who' got chao my shui or not .
Then i'm like . . .
I think so . . .
Cause i forgot adi ma - -
You know i very 'blur' de laa . .
Cy like very gek x.x
Don't know what happen to him ,
This few days so bad mood x.x
Sukkee scolded me
She said i damn 'chi dun'
And she wanna hit/smack/slap/punch/dunno me.
She said i let people chao my shui i also dunno.
Then very angry . .
Dunno why they all so gek =.=
They chao me also not them
So gek for what oh
Also chao adi la
How to take back oh=.=
Then today i online,
I read my Cbox.
Zh said,"You let darren chao your shui arh?"
Something like that?
Another fella=.=
Why they all asked me this de?
If it's you,
Will you scold me?
Or gek?
Answer me in my Cbox . . .
Dunno they all so gek for what=.=
Thursday , May 07 , 2009
Whole day playing HAMBURGER x)
Went school around 12:50?
Me and Reg finding for jane,and she didn't come to school -.-
After that we walked back to class . .
Then all my chinese classmate sitting behind playing HAMBURGER x)
[including me :P]
Then we played another game
It's like holding each other hand
Then 1 , 2 , juice . . .
Something like paper,scissor, stone.
Winner can smack loser's hand xD
I play with zh,yun ping,lee sun,and others
Zh's hand let me smack till red and the so-called "pain receptor" popped out xD
I don't know what they called,but it's one dot one dot and it's red in colour
COOL WEIH ! ! ! !
I can hit till like this xD
Then Yun Ping's hand also like this,
But better than zh xD
Lee Sun lucky,cause didn't play that much ma
So only red.
Then reg came to my class,
She told me got ceramah.
Then she join us play
Then we go dewan x)
Got ceramah maa,
So we go dewan play xD
But we play HAMBURGER xD
After that recess.
Then we go back class and play again
Kinda happy today x)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday , 06 May 2009
Hmm . .
Was taking librarian , Volleyball MSSD and Volleyball Club pictures :)
Was kinda happy taking pictures today x)
Don't know whyy :)
When we wanna take Volleyball MSSD picture that time . .
We gotta change to the MSSD shirt and pant x.x
Then we gotta rush back to the toilet to change back the pinafore cause gotta take Volleyball Club pictures x(
Then reg kinda sad and we walk to M class and chat chat chat . .
Like 1 hour?
I saw reg's tears coming out . .
And i kinda sad too :(
I kena that MD is from this stupid teacher - -
Actually,Then it's already 4 . . So i gotta go back to see what class rite now . .
It's science . .
I wanna CRAWL back to the class from the back door . .
Then teacher saw me . .
She's like
"YING XUEN ! ! ! !"
Then i just run away xD
Then i walk back to the class . .
She just look at me eni . .
Then i ask my class monitor ,
I ask her teacher got demerit my name?
She's like no . :)
Then all my classmate was sitting down and chatting
When i was about to pull out my necklace and play. . .
IT'S LOST ! ! ! ! ! !
I'm like keep on searching around my neck.
Then a guy sitting beside me was asking me,
"What are you doing?"
Then i'm like,
*keep on searching*
"What are you doing?" that guy asked again.
"....My lost...."
"HARH?! Why lost de?"
Then bla bla bla bla bla . . .
I just ran out from my class to find my necklace .
Don't know got teacher or not = =
Find the whole school adii . . .
Don't have :(
And another lucky thing is,
I'm sooooo lucky :D
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hahax ! !
Guess what. .
Yesterday i told my mom that i gotta go school before 9 ,
So please wake me up around 8:00 .
She woke me up at 10 !
She thought i got duty for librarian - -
Then i quickly rush in the toilet to brush teeth x)
Then i run back to my room to get my phone . .
I know that my friends will scold me . .
Then i only received 2 message xDD
The first message i read is from Jane at 08:35:
Hey... I'm reaching d... In abt 6min... Where are you now o?
Then the second message i read is from Chern Yuen at 07:44:
We take photo not at 9 larh..at3..
Zz got the paper..==
Zz is our senior..
Then i reply Chern Yuen at 09:47 xDD :
What 3?
They say 9??
He didn't reply backk x(
Then i called Jane.
She didn't pick up the phone . .
I called Reg's house phone.
Her maid said she went school
I called Reg . .
She said we take photo at 3
Then bla bla bla
They're playing volleyball court
When she's about to hang up the phone.
I heard she yelled "COVER COURT ! ! "
Wahlaaoooo x(
Then now,
I'm hear blogging and listening to songs.
Go youtube and search for all this 3 songs :
Graduation w-inds
This time w-inds
Endless Moments w-inds
VERY NICE :) <33
Kay ba !
I go find songs first
Baii baii :DD
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Woke up around 11?
Then turn on the computer to play o2jam . .
It was fun ! !
Was playing bach alive and bach alive-another hard x4
Smashing the keyboard like crazy x)
My sister was like ,
"TAN YING XUEN ! Don't spoil my keyboard ! "
Then I'm like..
It was sooo freakin cold in my room
[ WHOOHOOO ! ! I got feelings adi x) ]
When i look at my fingers
It's like so SHORT and FAT !
Then i was laughing and showed my sister
She also laughed xD
When i walked to my mom's room
My finger is back to SKINNY and LONG x)
After that we ate lunch :)
Around 3:30p.m
We reached sunway lagoon club house to play badminton x.x
It was so tiring x(
Play till 4:30p.m
We changed our swimming suits and went swimming in that WINDY weather <33
Was relaxing inside the swimming pool..
But it was so tiring cause gotta swim some laps x.x
Around 5:30 if i'm not mistaken..
We went sauna xD
After that i walked in to the locker room to sleep :D
Then i texted cy..
Then my sister asked me want go bath adi or not..
Ma go lorhh x(
After that we bought 2 roller coaster and 1 twisties :DD
Then my dad bought KFC for our dinner
Then went up to my room and start playing o2jam again
And now..
Gotta continue playing my o2jam adii
[I'm glad to have my feelings back ! ! Hoorayyy ! ! ]
Friday, May 1, 2009
3 0 A P R I L 2 0 0 9
Was the last day of APRIL.
I cried again..
Someone's hurting me again and again..
I can't take it anymore,
After tuition..
Reg called me and asked me i'm ok or not.
Cause today i emo whole day..
Then i told her that i'll call her later.
After that i called her..
Then i tell her EVERYTHING..
Which make me cried madly..
I told her that i can't take it anymore..
and bla bla bla~
Then we chat till 12:30 i guess?
Chatting with her makes me feel wayy better
[ Thanks REG ! <3>
0 1 M A Y 2 0 0 9
It's a NEW MONTH ! !
I hope everythings is better =]
Cause last month,
A lot of sad things happen..
What to do.
4 ma..
SEI lorhh..
I'll try not to be emo and cried for him again !
It's a new month !
It's a new ME :P
2 in 1 leihh..
30 APRIL and 01 MAY in one post :DD
Geng hor?
Kayy baa..
I need to eat my lunch adii
BYE ! !
P/S : Thanks IVY,for supporting me. <3>
Thanks REG,for supporting me and chat with me every night xD. <3>
Congratulation JANE ! <3>
Thanks BEN,for the lame jokes-.-
Thanks Lee Sun,for cheering me up !
Thanks Yi Han,for cheering me up !
Thanks Suk Kee,for cheering me up !
Thanks Yun Ping,for cheering me up and your lollipop xD
Thanks EVERYONE ! ! <3>